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Peter List


My images abolish empty space with curves, corners, spaces, shadows, and edges of color. The colors are strong, and the randomness of the shapes promote a beauty and harmony that rise from the chaos of creation. How amazing, that something so odd, so unexplainable, can evoke a feeling of "this is cool, and I don't really know why".
The abstract images in my collection begin with as many impossible shapes as the canvas is able to hold. When the shapes have succeeded in creating some sense of harmony or completeness, it is time to choose color.
Often, the picture itself dictates what should be placed where, and with which color. This usually makes the art piece more natural and fluid due to the un-predetermined nature of the ‘scape. The strong vibrant colors, with their intense contrasts, make the image "pop". Cubism and expressionism maximize this effect, an effect that blew my mind the first time I tested color markers. If the viewer feels this, my work has been successful. My experience opened up a new dimension in my work, and that was it – the gift I channel was here, and I never wanted to leave it.  
Abstractionism, all of its various forms, allow perception to surface in a way that is more fluid and less obstructed than if the subject was readily recognizable. And precisely because the content lacks familiarity, but speaks to the viewer on a deeper level, the interpretation experienced will be unique and personal, sometimes important for the viewer, sometimes not. Viewed over time, a work may change in its interpretation as the viewer re-looks and discovers more.
My influences here include Picasso, Escher, Kandinsky, Salvador Dali, Doctor Seuss, and Oscar Reutsvärd.
There is a lot of resembling art out there, and occasionally I do that myself, but the main reason I do abstracts, expressionistic and cubism, is that I like randomness and thinking outside the box. That is what I hope to represent in my art pieces, that the viewer stops, looks at it, then looks again and thinks "hmmmm" (and hopefully enjoy the intense mess I've made).
Lastly I would like to say: Art is cool, so important, yet so useless. Don't be afraid to dip into the unknown, you never know! You might find something beautiful!

Peter List Painting Cubism Abstract Art
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