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Thought process of my art (Drunken ABSTRX)

So i Will continue blogging about the exhibition in the next post, but here I kind of want to talk a little bit about my art in general. This is me also remembering how to create these artpieces and storing memories for my creativity to make ME and others a better artist.

This is going to be about the “Drunken ABSTRX” collections. Which i have spoken a bunch about.

I choose 3 different sizes that are European, so that they would be a lot easier to frame (ikea have decent basic frames)

So yeah, i notice i needed more white in my cubistical art pieces. It’s not always easy just “Add more white” to you art especially if it is abstract!

In the beginning I believe I only had a black frame in the middle of the piece of paper (with my cubistical abstract shapes), and afterwards i had a realization to add the extra gold frame. Here is where I noticed how negative AND positive space affects art and how DARN IMPORTANT that is!

When I look at these art pieces and TRY to unbiased critique my own art, I really think I have found something, specifically that These negative spaces really makes my art not as intense, which is really nice. You can compare from  above and here below.

If you have not seen my art, please go to my Instagram account @listpeter

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